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SciTech Vault’s Interview Webinar for Job Applicants

SciTech Vault offering career assistance to enthusiastic job seekers



Resume/CV writing
Looking for a job? Don't miss out on this epic opportunity!

Are you a student or young professional in science, engineering, technology, pharmacy, medicine, commerce, arts, architecture, business, or a related field? Please mark your calendar for SciTech Vault’s upcoming interview webinar. Why pay INR 5,000+ to resume/CV/LinkedIn optimization services when we can offer you the same (and much more) for <5% of the cost?

About the Upcoming Webinar

Dec. 24, 2023 | 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. IST | Fee: INR 450 INR 190 (heavy discount)

About the Trainer (Webinar Host)

What’s Included?

The comprehensive 60-minute-long webinar (registration fee: INR 190 only!), which may cost less than a T-shirt, will cover the following:

  • How to draft an ATS-compliant resume/CV and avoid automatic rejections.
  • How to systematically optimize your LinkedIn profile to make it stand out.
  • How to draft an extremely compelling cover letter that will make you an irresistible candidate.
  • How to avoid these 50+ lethal LinkedIn/resume/CV mistakes.
  • How to avoid these 50+ deadly cover letter mistakes.
  • How to avoid these 25+ serious mistakes before/during/after your interview.
  • How to unlock the power of personal branding.
  • How to prepare thoroughly for an MNC job interview.
  • How to present yourself during a job interview.
  • How to answer (and ask!) questions during an interview to distinguish yourself from your peers.
  • How to showcase your technical skills/soft skills (problem-solving, effective communication, etc.).
  • How to demonstrate your learning aptitude through continuous skill enhancement.
  • How to network meaningfully and avoid spending time with the wrong people.
  • How to negotiate after getting a job offer (salary, benefits, etc.).
  • An introduction to post-interview etiquettes (and a few other topics not covered above).
  • Bonus: New (and promising!) careers (patenting, science communication, etc.) for STEM graduates.

Why Us?

SciTech Vault has been at the forefront of science communication. We know how to design effective communications that leave a lasting impression. Attending our webinar will, therefore, significantly improve the quality and impact of your resume/CV, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter. It will also increase your odds of getting selected in an interview.

By the way, did you know that SciTech Vault had organized a Nobel Laureate Workshop in 2017? Did you also know that it was sponsored by the multi-billion-dollar biopharmaceutical company, Biocon?

Nobel Laureate
Nobel Laureate Dr. Kurt Wüthrich interacting with students at a Mumbai college during SciTech Vault’s training workshop.

What Should I Do Next?

Simply fill in the registration form below. We will get back to you soon afterward regarding the fee payment (INR 190).


“The international conference on research-inspired entrepreneurship was an absolutely great idea.” – Alok S. (Director at Dell Technologies, USA/Professional Advisor at MIT’s Martin Trust Center for Entrepreneurship, USA)

“Dr. Gokhale can motivate and lead very effectively. He can also accelerate tasks dramatically!” – Seiji H. (Manager at Deloitte, Japan)

“Your training session was highly insightful.” – Dr. MG (Former Ph.D. Researcher at IIT Madras)

“Thank you for giving us the opportunity and the guidance to find our path towards success.” – Ashish J. (Former Student at St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai)

“SciTech Vault helped me gain confidence.” – Sanskriti K. (Former Intern at SciTech Vault)

“Researchers will be using the newly purchased equipment to make valuable contributions to the field of biomedical research.” – Dr. Gokhale, as quoted in The Times of India

Incorrect: Video series addition and viewership optimization

Correct: Launched a video series, resulting in a 150% increase in viewership

Incorrect: Managed a team of customer service representatives and addressed customer queries

Correct: Led a team of customer service representatives in implementing a new communication protocol, resulting in improved* customer satisfaction

*P.S.: Not all achievements are perfectly quantifiable. That’s ok; employers understand this too. However, if they ask you to elaborate on this during the interview, then kindly present your definition of “improved customer satisfaction” (e.g., your company started receiving more positive reviews than before).


Correct: Please use your own name and avoid numbers. If you use the email above, it demonstrates laziness/lack of initiative.

In the webinar, we will show you how to avoid the 50+ most common resume/CV/LinkedIn mistakes.

Incorrect: Repeating what you have already mentioned in your resume/CV.

Correct: Explaining how your skills and achievements align with the job requirements.

Incorrect: “I have extensive experience in leading multiple teams, which is indeed a rare and valuable asset.”

Correct: “My track record of successfully leading cross-functional teams aligns well with the collaborative culture at [insert the company name here].”

Incorrect: “I feel enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing to your company and believe my skills are a great fit for any related position within your organization.”

Correct: “My experience in [specific skill] and my success in [related achievement] align well with the stated job requirements. I believe I can make a meaningful contribution to [mention the specific project/company initiative here] at [mention the company name here].”

Wish to learn more about the 50+ most common cover letter mistakes and 25+ lethal interview mistakes? Please consider attending SciTech Vault’s upcoming interview webinar.

About SciTech Vault

SciTech Vault is a science communication website that showcases interesting scientific and technological research from around the world. We diligently go through published (high-quality) scientific research from across disciplines, understand the underlying concepts, and authoritatively communicate the same to our target audience in a unique, simplified, and engaging manner. We have created an engaging YouTube channel as well, with 10 million+ video views and 15,000+ subscribers. Did you get a chance to check out some of our recent scientific communications?

The Webinar Host, Dr. Nikhil A. Gokhale, pursued biomedical research at the University of Massachusetts Medical School/National Institutes of Health after obtaining his Ph.D. in Chemistry (Biochemistry) from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He has taught science and engineering students for 5+ years in the United States. Dr. Gokhale has also held key leadership positions at top multinational companies, interviewed job applicants at MNCs, organized Nobel Laureate events, and facilitated the establishment of a research center with ultramodern equipment. As a professional science communicator, Dr. Gokhale has drafted scientific communications for reputed clients such as Procter & Gamble, Royal Society of Chemistry, King’s College London, American Society of Clinical Oncology, Brill Publishers, Cell Press, Elsevier, Wiley, Harvard Medical School, Abbott, and AbbVie.


Publishing and Patenting Workshop

Attend in person to get expert insights on publishing and patenting



Publishing and Patenting Workshop in Pune
Register online using your name, email address, and phone number

SciTech Vault, the organizer of the Biocon-Sponsored Nobel Laureate Workshop, has organized a Publishing and Patenting Workshop for science and engineering students as well as for current/prospective researchers. The basic idea is to provide specialized training in the area of academic publishing and patenting. Please register for the workshop using the e-form below. After you register online, we will text/call you to facilitate the payment process.

Venue, Date, and Time

To be decided

Registration Fee

INR 1,900 INR 950 per attendee (50% discount)

Included Perks

Tea, snacks, Q&A session, and digital certificate (with the words “From the Organizers of the Biocon-Sponsored Nobel Laureate Workshop of 2017”) for your LinkedIn profile

Why Attend?

Students and researchers hoping to get authentic insights in the following areas MUST attend the workshop:

  • How to draft a manuscript in the “IMRaD” format
  • How to identify a target journal
  • How to publish in high-impact journals
  • How to handle numbers, units, illustrations, and tables
  • How to handle citations
  • How to respond to referee comments
  • How to draft a rebuttal for a rejected manuscript
  • How to STOP plagiarism
  • What are the dangers of the unethical use of ChatGPT?
  • New and promising PhD careers
  • What is intellectual property right (IPR)?
  • How to conduct a prior art search
  • How to draft a patent
  • How to study for the patent agent examination
  • How to build a career in IPR/patenting

About the Speakers

Yateendra Joshi is certified as a Diplomate Editor by the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences, USA. He has been invited as a guest speaker on several occasions by prestigious institutes, including IISc, IITs, TIFR, and IISER. Yateendra has copy-edited over 30 books and more than 700 research articles to date. He has assisted countless students and researchers in their publishing journey.

Adv. Kshitija Kulkarni is a lawyer with a background in science. She is a former CSIR-URDIP IPR professional, with extensive experience in patent drafting, prosecution, trademark filing, copyrights registration, prior art searches, patentability searches, patent trend analysis, invalidity searches, and more. Additionally, she is a registered patent agent (Reg. No.: IN/PA/2012).

Dr. Nikhil A. Gokhale obtained his Ph.D. in Chemistry (Biochemistry) from the prestigious University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, through a Teaching Assistantship. He then pursued biomedical research at the University of Massachusetts Medical School/National Institutes of Health. He has held key leadership positions at top multinational companies, organized Nobel Laureate events, and facilitated the establishment of a research center with ultramodern equipment. As a professional science communicator, Dr. Gokhale has drafted scientific communications for reputed clients such as Procter & Gamble, Royal Society of Chemistry, American Society of Clinical Oncology, Cell Press, Elsevier, Wiley, Harvard Medical School, Abbott, and AbbVie. He is also the founder of SciTech Vault.

By the way, did you know that Nobel Laureate, Dr. Kurt Wüthrich, delivered a session during the Biocon-Sponsored Indo-US Nobel Laureate Workshop that we had organized in 2017?

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Biocon-Sponsored Nobel Laureate Workshop

A distinguished Nobel Laureate from the United States shared valuable insights with students



Nobel Laureate
Nobel Laureate, Dr. Kurt Wüthrich, shared insights during the training event

A distinguished Nobel Laureate from the United States visited Mumbai on Feb. 13, 2017 to interact with St. Xavier’s students/faculty members during the Biocon-sponsored Indo-US Nobel Laureate Workshop for students and researchers.

Workshop highlights

  • Nobel Laureate, Dr. Kurt Wüthrich, delivered a research talk and interacted with the audience.
  • A biomedical researcher with over 13 years of research experience in the U.S., a clinical research expert with work experience in the U.S., and a BELS-certified scientific editing expert also offered valuable career insights.
  • Students/researchers planning to go abroad for their M.S./Ph.D. received the necessary guidance.
  • Students/researchers were able able to answer the question, “What alternative career options do I have?”
  • E-certificates were e-mailed to all attendees who registered for (and attended) the workshop.

Insights shared

  • International opportunities: How to build your CV and get multiple admission offers from North American universities (and other reputed schools).
  • Successful grant applications: How to successfully write a $100,000 research grant (an approved NIH grant form the United States was briefly discussed).
  • High-impact publishing: How to flawlessly write a research manuscript and select an appropriate journal with a good Thomson-Reuters impact factor (U.S. metric)/SCImago journal ranking (European metric).
  • Research Ethics: How to maintain originality and stay miles away from plagiarism.
  • Acing job interviews: How to diligently answer questions using time-tested techniques and ace job interviews (what to say and what not to say during job interviews).
  • Real-world skills: The importance of presentation skills, people skills, and networking skills.
  • Research-inspired entrepreneurship: How to convert a research idea into a million-dollar business (with real-life examples). 
  • Alternative careers for students and researchers: An introduction to alternative careers in science and technology (scientific editing, patent law, clinical research, YouTube partnership, etc.).

A large number of students benefited from this high-impact training event! Students also posted the digital event certificate to their LinkedIn page.  

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